About Something Royal Ranch!

We have two sable color-headed white puppies available to approved homes.
They are full siblings to Sir Ozzy of Something Royal Ranch who is 9th in Rally according to AKC Rankings!

If you're interested in our Shelties, please send me an E-mail at [email protected]

Our Dogs

As a child, I was obsessed with Collies. I watched every episode I could of Lassie, collected Collie figurines, pictures and read all the books about Collies at the local library. I dreamed of one day having one of my own.

Later, as an adult, I discovered Shetland Sheepdogs, I was amazed at the resemblance to a Collie, but the smaller size and more chiseled, exquisite looking head on these incredible little dogs. I knew I had to have a Sheltie.

Around the mid 1980s, I decided I wanted to breed, raise and show the highest quality possible AKC Shelties. Being the high achiever I am, I set out to learn all I could about the breed, determined to have the best Shelties possible.

In my quest, I found mentors who were Icons in the breed, and were willing to share their vast knowledge. Don Combee, Nick Joines, Louella Thomsen, and Betty Jo McKinney took the time to teach me what I needed to know about Shelties. I was given the Sheltie Bible, Sheltie Talk, provided the best possible foundation stock, and taught how to show and show groom AKC Championship Shelties when I spent a week at Sheltie Nationals with my mentors.

Thus, Something ROYAL Shelties was born!

We continue the tradition of providing the best quality companion, performance, and conformation to the AKC Standard of Perfection.

Our Horses

I've raised and shown horses all my life, with the same zeal and dedication I have given to my dogs, and I believe the show records of our horses speak for themselves.

I had full size horses until health reasons forced me to stop riding, and look at Miniatures, which have been, and continue to be one of the joys of my life, as evidenced by their show records.

I hope you enjoy your visit to our website! We would love to hear from you!

We occasionally have puppies and foals available, and would be happy to chat with you about adding you to our list to notify of upcoming puppies and foals availble.

Please visit our Facebook Group, Something Royal Shelties Family, and our Facebook pages
Something Royal Ranch and Something ROYAL Shelties